Getting Started

Adding Wysimark, the WYSIWYG Markdown Editor, to your React project. Estimated time: 10 minutes


Add the Wysimark NPM package to your Node project.

The current version of Wysimark supports React. Future versions will support Angular, Vue and plain JavaScript.

If you're using npm:

npm install wysimark

If you're using yarn:

yarn add wysimark

If this is a new project, make sure React is installed.

For npm:

npm install react react-dom

For yarn:

yarn add react react-dom

Once you've installed Wysimark, import it.

import { Editor, useEditor } from 'wysimark'

Starting with an empty React App that returns nothing.

const App = () => {
  return null

Add the Wysimark editor to it:

const App = () => {
  const editor = useEditor()
  return <Editor editor={editor} />

To make the editor useful, you need a way to get and set the markdown in the editor.

Set the initial markdown by providing an argument to the useEditor hook.

const App = () => {
  const editor = useEditor("# Heading\n\nSome text.")
  return <Editor editor={editor} />

You can now get existing content into the editor.

To get the markdown out of the editor, call the getMarkdown method from the editor object. In this example, we add a Submit button that logs markdown to the console.

const App = () => {
  const editor = useEditor("# Heading\n\nSome text.")
  // log markdown to the console
  const save = () => {
    const markdown = editor.getMarkdown()
  return <div>
    <Editor editor={editor} />
    <button onClick={save}>Submit</button>

In a real app, this is where you save the markdown text to the database.

Congratulations, you can now add a WYSIWYG Markdown Editor to any React app. Your editor supports GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions such as tables and task lists and has built-in hosted image and file uploads.

Important: Image and file uploads are temporary until you set up an upload folder. Before going to production, sign up for a free account and get 1GB of image and file upload space. Alternatively, if you don't need image uploads, you can disable them.

Last updated

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